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That guy is This guy Chapter 87



“Gasp, gasp....”


I barely managed to open the front door with one hand, crawled into the house like a zombie, and put Chae Yoo-jeong down rather roughly on his back.




Chae Yoo-jeong hit his shoulder on the hard floor and whimpered even though he was unconscious.


It was a pity for him, but I wasn’t sorry at all. The 20 minutes I walked home carrying this heavy guy felt like 20 hours.




I sat down next to Chae Yoo-jeong, who was lying on the floor, and took a deep breath. My entire body was drenched in sweat, causing a slight chill and discomfort.


I’m dying, really. I stood up again after a short rest, vowing never to invite Chae Yoo-jeong to any drinking party again.


Anyway, I couldn’t let my precious kid lie on the cold floor in someone else’s house, so I had to move him to bed. Since I had lost a lot of strength, I couldn’t carry him again, so instead I grabbed his arms and dragged him into the bedroom.


“Now, ugh, come to your senses, can’t you?”


I hugged Chae Yoo-jeong’s chest from behind and pulled his upper body up onto my bed.


Chae Yoo-jeong, who finally lay down on the soft bed, closed his eyes with an angelic face, impervious of my hardships.


‘He’s actually in a good situation.’


Even though I am only one year older than him, he’s still sleeping while making his Hyung do these things. Is he sure that he even likes me?


I looked down at Chae Yoo-jeong, who was sleeping well, and scratched the back of my head. I have to wash up first.


I went into the bathroom, took a shower, and came out feeling much more refreshed than before.


I returned to the bedroom wearing only my underwear and pants, picked up the t-shirt I had roughly draped over the chair, put it on, and looked at Chae Yoo-jeong, who was lying down in his outdoor clothes.




Is it okay if I leave it like this? Even the coat and pants with a belt... they look extremely uncomfortable.


I was torn between thinking that this was a bit far-fetched and thinking that it would be better to take care of the person I brought home until the end, so I eventually reached out to him.


Just take off your coat and belt. Isn’t this something that can be helped with interpersonal sense and consideration?


I grabbed Chae Yoo-jeong’s coat while making excuses to god knows who. The beige coat was surprisingly not easy to take off, perhaps because it was custom-made.


‘The coat looks expensive at first glance, and it’s tailored.’


When the apartment room where Chae Yoo-jeong lived came to mind, I somehow understood. Yes, if it’s Chae Yoo-jeong and not just anyone else, it’s worth having his coat custom-made and wearing it.


Facing Chae Yoo-jeong, I raised his upper body and made him rest his head on my shoulder. Fortunately, the coat came off more easily than before. Now all you have to do is unfasten the belt.


While holding him in my arms, I lowered both of my hands and moved his pants further. Crash. As I opened the buckle and pulled his leather belt away, Chae Yoo-jeong’s shoulder, which had been quietly leaning against me, trembled.




A formidable force grabbed my wrist as I was undoing the belt. My brows furrowed as the burning pain radiated from my wrist.


Did he wake up? Still drunk? Whatever it was, my wrist was so sore that I couldn’t think straight.


“Let go of me....”


“What the fuck.”


An annoying curse cut me off. The voice was so low and rough that it was difficult to believe it was Chae Yoo-jeong’s voice.


“Haa, shit..”


Chae Yoo-jeong, who was leaning his forehead on my shoulder, lifted his face and his eyes met mine. As soon as he saw me, he, who was full of sensitive and sharp expressions, returned to his usual gentle behavior.




“If you’ve come to your senses, let go of my hand.”


The two eyes staring at me were very blurry, as if they were far from sober. The strength of his grip on me was noticeably reduced, but he did not let go.


“Chae Yoo-jeong.”


“Hyung, my head hurts.”


My wrist hurts, you bastard.


Chae Yoo-jeong, realizing that the person next to him was me, quickly changed his attitude and nuzzled his head on my shoulder.


“I’m telling you this in advance because I think you might misunderstand, but I was afraid you might feel uncomfortable, so I just wanted to unfasten the belt.”


“Misunderstand? What would I misunderstand?”


“...Don’t do it if you know what I’m talking about. Didn’t I tell you to get your hands off me?”


Only then did Chae Yoo-jeong smile brightly when he saw my hand on his belt and his hand holding my wrist.


“Please unbuckle it for me.”


“You have to let go of my wrist.”


“I didn’t apply any force at all. Come on.”


Chae Yoo-jeong urged me with his friendly, coaxing tone, as if he was showing off his charm.


This bastard treats me quite proudly. Curses welled up in my throat, but I held them back with earnest effort.


‘I can’t be seriously angry at a kid who’s drunk.’


It would be better to release it quickly and let go. My wrist moved while being held by Chae Yoo-jeong.


As I was taking the leather belt back from the loop on his belt, I felt his eyes staring at me intently.






I raised my head and met his gaze, and immediately regretted it.


Chae Yoo-jeong’s eyes, seen from a distance so close that my breath could touch them, were so full of his naked emotions that it gave me goosebumps.


Chae Yoo-jeong reached out his other hand and gently touched my cheek.


An atmosphere that was noticeably different from when he had just settled down in the room with the lights off. As we sat face to face and unfastened Chae Yoo-jeong’s belt, this situation felt very... strange.


Then, the dream I had the night I heard his confession to Chae Yoo-jeong suddenly came to mind. When I thought that if I pushed Chae Yoo-jeong like this and made him lie down, things might turn out similar to my dream, my hand holding his belt tightened.


‘...I’m really going crazy.’


I don’t know how far my thoughts go when it comes to dealing with a drunk kid. Quickly banishing my harsh imagination, I finally undid his belt.


Suddenly, the completely loosened belt fell to the floor under the bed with the sound of metal hitting the floor. Okay, now let’s soothe him and put him to sleep. I asked, pushing away Chae Yoo-jeong’s hand that had been playing with my cheek.


“Do you know where we are?”


Chae Yoo-jeong, who was slowly blinking at my question, looked around.


“Hyung’s house.”


“Yes. You were so drunk that I went out of my way to drag you here by myself. So please stop making trouble and sleep quietly. I’m tired too.”




“You take the bed. I’ll be on the floor with a blanket…”


I explained slowly so that he could understand at once, and Chae Yoo-jeong, who had been listening with a blank expression, suddenly grabbed my wrist. I lost my balance at his abrupt action and buried my face on Chae Yoo-jeong’s shoulder.


‘This bastard......’


The bridge of my nose hit his hard shoulder and it hurt.


Maybe it was because the damn bastard wasn’t sober that he didn’t hesitate in his actions. He repaid favors with vengeance.


“What are you doing?”


“Let’s sleep together, Hyung.”


Chae Yoo-jeong let go of my wrist and wrapped his arms around my waist, lying down as if he were falling down. The mattress shook slightly along with the sound of the blanket rubbing against each other.


“Hey, Chae Yoo-jeong.”


“What? Let’s sleep together. I won’t do anything.”


I called his name in a harsh voice, like I was purposefully scolding him, but Chae Yoo-jeong didn’t even pretend to listen and whined, rubbing his head against the back of my neck.


And what? Doing nothing? Even if you say that, you’re still doing something. This is absurd.


“Get out of the way, ugh....”




No matter how hard I tried to get away, the arms around my waist wouldn’t budge. Fuck. I have to rush to the gym tomorrow and register first.


My pride was shattered in real time. What on earth? Was he a sports athlete and not an e-sports player? As I fumbled with the guy’s arm around my waist, I could feel the hard muscles straining even through the clothes.


‘Isn’t this a scam?’


How can he have such a pretty face and such strong arms? Chae Yoo-jeong, who was showing a lot of love to me while I was in confusion, turned his body to the right while holding me.


“Hyung, go to sleep quickly. Aren’t you tired?”


“Let me go before saying that again.”


“No. If I let go, you will sleep on the floor. Sleep in bed with me.”


I was overly concerned about the body temperature of Chae Yoo-jeong, who was close to me. That alone was driving me crazy, but Chae Yoo-jeong buried his lips on the nape of my neck and inhaled deeply, as if he was smelling me.


My eyes closed tightly at the tickling sensation. I quickly started multiplying numbers in my head to somehow distract myself from this sensation.


As about 10 minutes passed, the sound of Chae Yoo-jeong’s light breathing coming from above his head became constant. He fell asleep while holding me.


Although the force in his arm was less than before, it was impossible for me to escape without waking Chae Yoo-jeong. Eventually I gave up and slowly relaxed with a sigh.


A small sound of breathing could be heard in the dark room. The rest of me is so distraught that I’m internally dying, but he’s sleeping well. Seriously, it feels like I’ll die soon.


Chae Yoo-jeong’s face kept flickering as I tried to close my eyes, unable to turn around as I wanted because my waist was being held.


The way he asked me to give him just one chance, the way he came to school late at night with something to eat, and even the way he caressed my cheek.




When I wake up in the morning tomorrow, I was planning to harshly scold Chae Yoo-jeong for causing me trouble... but then again, I think it would be okay to let him go for once.


As people live, there are times when they cause trouble due to their drinking habits. This is an acceptable level for me as well as for other people.


‘When I wake up tomorrow, I’ll give him a hangover meal and send him off.’


While thinking about what kind of food would be good for a hangover, I slowly fell asleep.



Translator: Hoshi Miya
Editor: Meimei

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